TSplus Advanced Security
Server Monitoring

Keeping track of all activities

Server Monitoring helps you optimize your software resources, analyze server processes and reduce costs. Easy-to-install server monitoring tool for immediate use on your systems. Available for Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019.

Track changes, resource consumption and events with real-time email notifications. The web interface gives you a complete overview of your server's activity even from your tablet or cell phone!

Key Features

TSplus Server Monitoring collects all important performance data of your servers and applications in a single place, so you can manage your network infrastructure accordingly. All you need is a web browser! You can examine and correlate data metrics with performance visualization and address specific issues. Server Monitoring shows which servers, applications and users are the top consumers in various resource usage categories (including CPU, memory, disk and I/O, connection time) on remote desktop services.

Server Monitoring helps you optimize software resources and reduce unnecessary costs.

More information about TSplus Advanced Security - Server Monitoring


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